Contributors Healthcare, the Catholic way!

Volunteers make Catholic Community Health’s mission possible

Brad Heidrick is the CEO of Catholic Community Health.

by Brad Heidrick

“For I was sick and you cared for me.” (Mt 25:36)

Christ encapsulates the Catholic Community Health mission perfectly when he proclaims that what we do for the most vulnerable in our society, we are doing for him. That’s how we see our patients and residents: They embody Christ before us, giving us the opportunity to serve him by providing care for those who need it most, regardless of their ability to pay.

Of course, running an operation of this kind requires a great deal of generosity from others, and our volunteers are at the heart of this, giving their time to care for those in need.

Prior to becoming CEO, I was asked to serve on the CCH board of directors — I thought this would be a great opportunity to give back to an industry that’s given me so much over the course of my life.

I quickly discovered that I wasn’t alone. CCH relies on its volunteers to make our mission possible, and witnessing the ways volunteers give their time to improve the lives of seniors at Villa St. Francis and to pray alongside those in their final days in hospice was, and remains, incredibly inspiring.

Our staff is intensely dedicated to caring for our patients and residents — their dedication has recently earned all of our services a CMS five-star rating — and our volunteers are an integral part of this overall experience of quality service.

Our daily Mass at Villa St. Francis requires a priest to happen, but it’s our volunteers who give their time to make it logistically possible: bringing the residents to the chapel, seeing to their needs and enabling them to spend a few minutes with the Lord in the Mass. They’re around to help with meals, activities and so much more, bringing liveliness and color to our residents’ quality of life at Villa St. Francis.

Our hospice volunteers, similarly, offer a great deal to those in our care, often sitting and praying with patients in their final hours.

But that’s not all they do — our hospice volunteers also provide assistance to families during their time of bereavement, and provide our staff with much needed support, which also helps to continue providing the five-star care that we’re blessed to offer.

Ours is the only Catholic hospice service in Kansas City, and we want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to encounter Christ, right up to the moment they’ll meet him in eternity.

Volunteers are a critical part of our mission, and we’re always looking for more generous men and women to join us in our mission. If you’d like to join us, learn more on the website at:

About the author

Brad Heidrick

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