On Jan. 22, I was blessed to be in Washington, D.C., participating in the annual March for Life. It was one of the largest of the marches in recent years.
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Herald of reason
It was dark and cold, and their special visitor was late, but the people on South Boeke Street in Kansas City, Kan., didn’t care.
Gee, mom, I want to go to Catholic summer camp
There is one word that will never be associated with the camps at Prairie Star Ranch: bored.
Column: True love waits
Father Alex was in his late 70s when he had the inspiration to found a Catholic movement that would confront the chastity challenge that was wreaking havoc in the lives of so many Hispanic teens.
Column: No superpowers, no shortcuts
In the area of vocations, it is better for us to do things the hard way: no superpowers, no shortcuts.
Column: Luke’s Gospel emphasizes Jesus’ role as prophet
Sometimes we think of a prophet as a person who can foretell the future.
Column: Have you heard the good word?
Sometimes I wonder about the role of the Bible in the prayer lives of Catholics. How many people in the congregation on a typical Sunday morning are like Joey, not believing the Scriptures because they really don’t understand...
A market for modesty
Many women dream of the day they'll become a bride.
Medicaid cuts leave Villa seeking help
Nursing home administrators across the state know all too well the adage: “You can’t get something out of nothing.”
Bishop testifies against death penalty
The Catholic Church added its voice to others seeking to repeal capital punishment in Kansas during a three-day hearing Jan. 19 to 21 at the state Capitol.