“For me, this is a calling. I firmly believe God places me where I need to be for one of his creatures,” she continued. “The fact that I’m also a human physician means I’m able to take care of the ones that need the medical care.”
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Column: What holiday tradition connects your family to Christ?
What tradition has been passed down from the generations before you? Why do you continue this tradition? What is your family’s most loved tradition? What tradition would you like to initiate and why? What tradition connects your...
Column: Songs do more than decorate our faith – they express it
“The whole assembly is actively involved in the music of the liturgy. Some members of the community, however, are recognized for the special gifts they exhibit in leading the musical praise and thanksgiving of Christian...
Column: NCYC: a justice for immigrants experience
Soon, over 20,000 teens will converge on Kansas City to celebrate Roman Catholicism at the National Catholic Youth Conference. The office for social justice was invited to develop and conduct one of the experiential learning...
Column: ‘Widow’s mite’ teaches lesson in discipleship
Jesus is calling on them to give themselves completely to his mission: “Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me” (Mk 10:21). Jesus is pointing to the widow as an...
Column: This night bowled me over
Although my bowling scores were no longer “fantastic,” I realized that the club — and the community it provided during all the hours I spent there over the years — gave me something even more valuable: the skills I’ve needed to...
That championship feeling
“Football gives them the opportunity to succeed, have camaraderie, and build character,” he said. “If our players go on to play in high school or college, that’s just the icing on the cake.”
Overland Park parish promotes devotion to St. Peregrine
“Anyone who is terminally ill, anyone with a serious illness, anyone who cares for someone with a serious illness [is invited]. . . . We also urge cancer survivors to come in thanksgiving,” he said. “And anyone who needs healing...
Archdiocese found compliant with protection charter
From Aug. 3 to 7, a team of independent auditors, led by a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, conducted on-site reviews of records and interviewed pastors and staff at 21 parishes and schools in urban, suburban and...
Column: Prayer, patience, and perseverance pay off
The original motto of Vitae was: “Reaching Minds to Save Lives.” Vitae Caring Foundation has played a critical role in saving thousands of lives as well as sparing thousands of parents from having to live with the overwhelming...