Remembering Msgr. Helidore Mejak, who at 98 was the oldest active priest in the archdiocese — and maybe the country
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Marathon man
Column: Catholic Charities changes its name but not its mission
For over 50 years, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, has been providing care to the people of northeast Kansas through a variety of services and ministries.
Column: Make pro-life cause your new year’s resolution
by Ron Kelsey January is a good month for us to consider what we can do to make this a better world. Reflecting upon two commemorations, in particular, will help us identify what God is asking of each of us. First, on Jan. 1...
Column: Jesus is baptized by John for us
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Mt 3: 13-17 by Father Mike Stubbs Parents present their babies for baptism for a variety of reasons. Hopefully, it is because they want their babies to share in the Catholic faith, to become practicing...
Column: Shred yourself thin this year
by Father Mark Goldasich “So, earning a little extra money on the side?” That comment, made by a recent visitor to my office at The Leaven, puzzled me. Seeing the confused look on my face, he smiled and pointed at something...
Let there be light
How many Catholics does it take to turn on a light bulb?
Honoring a ‘nun buster’
It was enough to make an old Marine cry — and it very nearly did.
Column: Dreams link Josephs of the two testaments
A psychoanalyst might interpret a dream to help a patient arrive at a better self-understanding. The dream might reveal deep-seated desires or fears.
Column: Christian marriage is a call to heroic love
Tucked in the octave celebration of the great solemnity of Christmas is the feast of the Holy Family.
Excellence times three
Saint Patrick School here, taking inspiration from its patron, has adopted a simple philosophy that is, not surprisingly, threefold: It focuses on spirituality, scholarship and service.