Endorsed by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, it will be the first one held in Kansas, and local volunteers are needed.
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The morality of in vitro fertilization
Millions of IVF embryos will never leap within a womb.
Ethical directives on Catholic health services decreed
“It should be seen as binding for Catholic institutions.”
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As disciples of Christ, we must recognize the dignity of each person
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It’s hard to believe that these two simple words influenced me so profoundly.
Denver-based Augustine Institute will relocate to St. Louis area in coming months
The Augustine Institute announced April 23 that it has purchased the former Boeing Leadership Center near Florissant and will begin moving its headquarters to the St. Louis area in the coming months.
Catholic chat bot: Putting AI at the service of the church
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Pope clears way for canonization of Oblates of the Holy Spirit founder
As doctors were preparing to certify the brain death of a Brazilian man in 2010, members of a local Catholic charismatic prayer group began to pray for a miracle.
Ave Maria professor: Earth Day needs Catholics’ full engagement and hopeful vision
Catholic university professor Samuel Shephard suggests that Catholics can bring a unique viewpoint to Earth Day, celebrated April 22, because "as Catholics, we can understand we're doing that as stewards of creation."