In the aftermath of the tragedy, family and friends of the victims were determined that love, not hate, would be their legacy.
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Rosary at Planned Parenthood in KCK
A rosary, the Angelus and the Divine Mercy chaplet will be prayed.
By his passion and death, Jesus reveals his deep love for us
The Passion narrative is the heart of the Gospel.
Groupthink of some legislators, allies leads to cultural chaos
Human collateral damage, seen and unseen, is everywhere.
Three new outreaches planned with special needs in mind
St. Paul teaches us that though we are many parts, we make up one body of Christ.
Let the Easter season get the last laugh
It’s particularly appropriate at this time of year as we enter the Easter season.
CEF’s goal is to help schools not just survive, but thrive
Our goal is to help schools move from “just surviving to thriving.”
Tears flow as pope washes feet of women inmates at Rome prison
"Jesus always forgives. He only asks that we ask pardon."
Ukrainian Catholic church in Toronto receives a bomb threat amid Sunday liturgy
Parishioners of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Toronto had to evacuate the building toward the end of their 10 a.m. liturgy March 24, due to a bomb threat apparently made by a woman experiencing mental distress.
US bishops ask faithful to pray during Holy Week for end to Israel-Hamas war
The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the chairman of the USCCB's Committee on International Justice and Peace called upon the faithful to renew prayers during Holy Week for an end to the Israel-Hamas war.