I hear many stories of heartache, and they stay in the back of my mind.
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Catholic Charities plans how to best address emerging needs
How is Jesus calling you to engage in the work of charity?
Do you have a confession to make?
I remember well my first confession.
La familia y sus miembros descubren cómo les llama el Señor
“¿Qué quiere Dios que haga con mi vida?”.
Texas judge blocks Paxton’s Annunciation House subpoena over due process concerns
A state judge March 11 temporarily blocked the Texas attorney general's demands for the records of Annunciation House, citing concerns the state had a "predetermined" motive to shut down the Catholic nonprofit serving migrants.
78-year-old altar server passes on love of the Eucharist to the younger generation
Carl Bohman trains young people in his rural southeastern Indiana parish how to assist at Mass as altar servers, much like adult volunteers do in parishes across the Indianapolis Archdiocese.
Devotion built on desire to follow Christ’s final moments
The ninth Station of the Cross, Jesus Falls A Third Time, is portrayed above. Praying the Stations of the Cross is a beloved Lenten tradition for many Catholics. by Joe Bolligjoe.bollig@theleaven.org KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Annually...
24 years in, retreat director still ‘doing what He wants me to do’
“This is the best thing I’ve ever done, without a doubt in my mind.”
Young Stag is statehouse-bound as advocacy coordinator
"You just don’t forget her."
Academic excellence is not the only measure of our schools
Currently, each of our archdiocesan schools is accredited by the state of Kansas, as well as by Cognia.