This past week was important.
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Become one of a ‘kind’
Of course, for people of faith, this idea of making love visible is nothing new.
Join the persistent and faithful ‘On Mission for Life’
The pro-life community is a persistent and faithful lot.
Catholic groups struggle to bring hope to Haiti’s children amid violence at level of ‘living hell’
As the growing violence in Haiti directly impacts more and more children and teenagers, Catholic missionaries struggle to offer safe havens to regain hope and dreams of a better future.
‘Martyr of the Amazon’: Recalling Sister Dorothy Stang’s ministry 20 years after her murder
Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a new species of screech owl, dubbed the Xingu screech owl, was discovered by scientists in 2021. However, what caught the attention of many was the scientific name given to the bird:...
Celebrating Notre Dame’s restoration shows ‘how essential sacred spaces are to humanity’
The Chicago-based Catholic Extension Society has learned a thing or two over the years about the importance of sacred spaces.
‘The Chosen’ actor shares how portraying an apostle rebooted his faith
In the past four years, the TV show "The Chosen" has taken the Catholic world by storm, as thousands eagerly await the debut of the fifth season.
Regnum Christi announces Vatican approval of its statutes
The Regnum Christi Federation, which includes the Legionaries of Christ, says the Vatican has given the federation's statutes "definitive approval."
Annual Topeka rally draws big numbers to support life
"Every life counts."
‘Ora et Labora’: How ancient order still thrives in Atchison
Side by side in prayer and work, they follow in the tradition of St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica.