Archdiocese Local

Restorative prayer service set for July 1

The archdiocese will host a restorative prayer service July 1 in Baileyville. PHOTO BY PEDRO LIMA/UNSPLASH

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The archdiocesan office for protection and care will host a prayer service in atonement for sexual abuse led by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann at Sacred Heart Church in Baileyville on July 1 at 6:30 p.m.

All are invited to attend.

“The prayer service is a result of ongoing restorative work with victims/survivors who have shown great courage in coming forward and sharing their stories,” said Melanie Savner, administrative assistant for the office for protection and care.

“Their goal is to reclaim the church space, where the harm occurred so long ago,” she continued, “and purify it to regain a sacred space for all.

“We hope to accomplish that through meaningful Scripture readings, a sprinkling rite of the confessionals, remarks by Archbishop Naumann and an introduction of our staff and how we protect and serve people in our archdiocese.”

The evening will conclude with a reception with time for conversation and fellowship.

For more information on the office for protection and care, visit the website at:

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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