by Moira Cullings
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — What does the Eucharist mean to you?
It’s a simple question being posed to Catholics in the archdiocese.
But its answers have the power to awaken non-Catholics and those with doubts to the real presence of Jesus in the sacrament.
“I first wondered if I truly believe I am amazed by the Eucharist,” said Nikki Frerker, a parishioner at Curé of Ars in Leawood.
“As I reflected on that,” she continued, “I began to see more clearly the limitless and extraordinary gift of grace that it is.
“It has the power to make me more like Christ, little by little, each time I encounter him in it.”
Frerker was one of the first Catholics to submit a one-minute video testimony to the archdiocese, sharing how the Eucharist feeds into her life.
The archdiocese is collecting video testimonies like Frerker’s in preparation for the National Eucharistic Revival, which kicks off on June 19, Corpus Christi Sunday, and ends on Pentecost Sunday in 2025.
“Jesus asks us to be ready to give account for hope that lies within us,” said Deacon Dana Nearmyer, director of the archdiocesan office of evangelization.
“Our verbal endorsement of the power of the Eucharist strengthens both the endorser and listener,” he added.
Those interested in participating in the archdiocesan video series can take a 45-second to one-minute smartphone video talking about what the Eucharist means to them.
The archdiocese encourages participants to take the video in a comfortable setting — whether that’s sitting still, cleaning the house, cooking, with your family or walking your dog.
Videos will be collected from now until Pentecost Sunday, June 5 this year, when the archdiocesan YouTube channel will begin to regularly release the videos online and continue inviting others to share their stories throughout the year.
Parishes will be encouraged to collect and share their own parishioner testimonies during years two and three of the Eucharistic Revival initiative.
Deacon Nearmyer stressed how important the culture of eucharistic amazement is to Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann.
“Word of mouth endorsements are powerful in our culture,” he said. “We should talk about the things that we are most passionate about.”
For Frerker, sharing her love of the Eucharist through a video testimony opened her eyes to how essential the sacrament is in her life.
“I saw how it offers to bring all of Christ, and all the events of his life, directly to me — to unite his life with all the events of my life and to grace them with his love, forgiveness and hope,” she said.
Frerker hopes her video and others collected will help viewers see the depth of God’s love, she said, which is given in a special way in the Eucharist.
“Each person has a story God considers worthy,” said Frerker. “I encourage everyone to set aside time to be alone with Christ in silence, to reflect with him on what the Eucharist means to you.
“I believe this is an invitation for all of us to grow in friendship with Christ and become more like him every day and see how the Eucharist fuels that journey.”
To participate in the campaign, send your video to:
To view the videos collected in the “Eucharistic Amazement” album, click here.