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The Leaven takes home 13 Catholic Media Association awards

The Leaven won 13 awards from the Catholic Media Association for articles and photos appearing in print in 2023.

The Leaven is dedicated to quality journalism from a Catholic point of view. To reread these award-winning stories or see the photos, tap the links below.

Best Personality Profile – Weekly
First Place
Against the Odds
By Moira Cullings

Judges: This is a great profile — a highly educational piece about a historical figure that could be used as a lesson for students to learn about multiple aspects of U.S. history. I learned a good amount in reading just this one article. The way the article is presented in various components contributes to making the information understandable and digestible. Just a really nice all-around piece of work that I feel blessed to have been able to judge.

Best Multiple Picture Package – Feature
First Place
World Youth Day
By Jay Soldner

Judges: Nice look at this event. The photographer covered a lot of ground in order to give viewers a good look. The best photojournalism takes viewers to places they can’t go. This certainly does that.

Best Reporting on a Special Age-Group – Young Adults
Second Place
World Youth Day
By Jack Figge and Jay Soldner

Judges: Devoting an entire special supplement to World Youth Day chock-full of stories written from a variety of perspectives and bright colorful engaging photos creates a media package that is hard to beat. The insets and quotes add personalization to the mix.

Best Story and Photo Package By Two Individuals
Second Place
What’s Seminary Life Really Like?
By Jack Figge and Jerry Naunheim

Judges: This package is phenomenal. The pictures are breathtaking and give extra insight into the story, which is fabulously written. Bravo!

Best Photograph – Spot News
Second Place
By Jay Soldner

Judges: This is a creative, artistic photo taken from an interesting perspective. Many really nice elements here. Not sure what is pictured at left, and I think the photo could have benefited from cropping out the people/bodies at left. It’s a nice picture, just the same, and draws in the reader with it artistic qualities. Nice work!

Best Weekly Newspaper
Third Place

Judges: Packed with news cover to cover with a great variety of topics, including on-site coverage from Portugal, spot news of important milestone parish events, good visuals and a majority of useful news in each examined edition.

Best In-Depth News/Special Reporting – Weekly
Third Place
Unapologetically Catholic
By Therese Horvat

Judges: This insightful roundup weaves together research about the growing number of Americans who are unaffiliated with any religion and interviews with Catholics who share their explanations for the trend and ideas for modern evangelization.

Best Analysis/ Background/Round-Up News Writing
Third Place
Unapologetically Catholic
By Therese Horvat

Judges: Fine, in-depth examination of a subject that is so important, with each of the people quoted bringing a different perspective to the table. There is a lot for readers to mull over here.

Best Front Page – Diocesan Newspaper
Third Place
By Todd Habiger

Judges: Inviting photos pique interest. Engage readers to want to learn more.

Best Reporting on Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate
Honorable Mention
Give Me that Old-Time Religion
By Joe Bollig

Best Multiple Picture
Package – Feature
Honorable Mention
Kelly Youth Rally
By Jay Soldner

Best Multiple Picture
Package – Sports
Honorable Mention
Gladiators of the Gridiron
By Jay Soldner

Honorable Mention
Boys of Summer
By Kathryn White

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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