Contributors Life matters

Archdiocesan efforts to walk with moms echo Nativity story

Debra Niesen is the archdiocesan consultant for the pro-life office.

by Debra Niesen

Merry Christmas! I hope you are resting in the true peace and joy that the birth of Our Savior brings.

One of my favorite Christmas Day traditions is watching “The Nativity Story” movie.  After listening to the Gospel readings through Advent, visualizing the story only increases my awe and wonder. The more I reflect, the more I am struck by how the work of the pro-life community in the archdiocese is inspired by each event of the Nativity story.

The story begins when an angel visits Mary, a young virgin, and with her “yes” to God’s invitation, the Holy Spirit comes upon her and the Son of God is conceived.  We believe that life begins at the moment of conception.

Mary faces many challenges with her unexpected pregnancy — the hardship of being poor, judgment from her community and uncertainty whether Joseph, her betrothed, would support her or leave her.  Many in our community have experienced or known a loved one or someone who is facing this challenging situation in fear or anxiety.

Joseph also agrees to follow God’s call and supports Mary and protects the child in her womb through her pregnancy. The Knights of Columbus and other men’s groups do heroic work to defend preborn children and help protect pregnant women.  Specifically, the Knights donate life-saving ultrasound machines to pregnancy resource centers around the state.

Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth for support and comfort.  Our Gabriel Project ministry trains “angel” volunteers to walk alongside pregnant women, offering friendship and guidance.  Our Walking With Moms in Need initiative prepares parishes to be places of love and support.  Some parishes offer the new Embrace Grace support group for single, pregnant women so that they can be in a community that knows God’s love for them and their babies.

Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem but find no room at the inn when it is time for Mary to give birth.  Local pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes provide hope and care for women and families who have no support or anywhere else to turn.

Mary gives birth to an infant who was born to redeem the world.  Every child is a gift, created in the image and likeness of God.

Angels announce the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, who go in haste to see Jesus. The shepherds praise God for all they have seen and all are amazed by what the shepherds tell them. Join us at IGNITE for Life and the Kansas Mass & March for Life, Jan. 29 in Topeka (go online to:, to pray and boldly proclaim the “Gospel of Life”!

This new year, may we all be deeply inspired by the Nativity story and all we “have seen and heard.”

About the author

Debra Niesen

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