More than 20,000 youth will come to area for the National Catholic Youth Conference
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Column: Archbishop responds to questions concerning Sebelius nomination
I am told that my column and statements regarding the nomination of Governor Sebelius to serve as Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have inspired a lot of chatter in the blogosphere.
Cash cow
“There’s a Catholic cow in our yard!” boasted 3-year-old Audrey Scheeley to strangers in the grocery store last week.
Front & center
You’re never too young or too old to join the Catholic Church, to judge by this year’s Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion service held March 8 at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church here.
Column: Sunday’s Gospel prepares us for Jesus’ passion
When Pope Benedict visited the United States in April 2008, he prayed at New York’s ground zero, asking God to bring direction to people “consumed with hatred.”
Column: I’m starting to see what Lent’s all about
Twice a month, on Thursday mornings, I have Mass for the Catholic residents at the nursing center in Tonganoxie.
All rev’d up
Was the outcome ever in doubt? No, but the score is never the bottom line when the Runnin' Revs face the Serra All Stars.
Obama’s new radical stem-cell policy
This just in from the White House: Starting today, only farmers set agriculture subsidy levels, generals decide about going to war and the new all-powerful Czar of Tax Policy is our old friend, the IRS.
Column: Saint provides timely perspective on current hardships
Normally, I do not like to give over this space to another author.
It all might have started with Will Smith.