Every morning growing up, I woke to the sound of my father reciting the rosary in unison with a voice on a local radio station.
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SAINTS ALIVE: Priest’s CD inspired by saints
After finishing the writing and production of his first CD, “Tobit,” in 2006, Father Kent O’Connor did not expect to be going through that process again anytime soon.
Column: To what — and whom — do you give your allegiance?
"What is truth?” (Jn 18: 38) One of the most famous questions in history was uttered by an exasperated Pontius Pilate during his interrogation of Jesus.
Project Rachel
Project Rachel is taking its message to the streets — with an awareness campaign featuring billboards.
Column: Gospels evolve as young church emerges
The moment we open our mouths we give ourselves away.
Column: Here’s your ‘March’-ing orders
Break out those party hats and noise-makers! Finalize those resolutions! Tune up those voices and get ready to belt out that traditional favorite, “Auld Lang Syne”! Yes, it’s that time once again!
‘A household of faith’
“If you’re pro-life, you have to be ready to take care of the children,” said Church of the Nativity parishioner Eileen Drape, co-host of a “coffee and sweets” gathering in honor of Blessed Sacrament Family Center in Kansas City...
The U.S. Marines want “A Few Good Men.” But the spirituality and leadership program called “That Man is You” does the Marines one better: It wants authentic, Christian men — and as many as it can get!
Women of faith
Wanted: women seeking to better understand, experience and share their Catholic faith.
‘Refuse to react to fear’
The Catholic bishops of Kansas have joined with some leaders of the state’s Protestant churches to urge Kansas legislators to “resist frustration” when drafting legislation dealing with undocumented immigrants.