Leon Suprenant is the pastoral associate for administration in the office of the permanent diaconate. He also blogs at: www.archkck.org/blog.
by Leon Suprenant
I’m sure many readers have heard of “The Bucket List.”
It’s the movie in which characters played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman have terminal cancer. They decide to make the most of their remaining time by composing a “bucket list” of things they wanted to do before they die.
And then the adventures began!
A few years ago, I started a similar tradition. During the last week of the year — when I can’t put it off any longer — I compose a “Becket list.” This list is named in honor of St. Thomas Becket, the 12th-century archbishop and martyr whose feast the church celebrates each year on Dec. 29. The Becket list, part serious and part whimsical, contains things I would like to do before the end of the year.
Without further ado (after all, I gotta get busy!), here’s my end-of-2015 list:
(1) Recall all the blessings of 2015.
(2) Do all the things I put off till the Christmas holiday, when presumably I would “have more time.”
(3) Remember those who left us this year. This not only includes beloved celebrities like Cardinal Francis George, Leonard Nimoy and Yogi Berra, but also friends and family members who passed away in 2015. I especially remember my sister Dottie. May they all rest in peace, as we put our trust in the Lord’s abundant mercy this year and always.
(4) Set goals and make resolutions for 2016. It’s good that we use the calendar as a motive to challenge ourselves to grow. High on the list is truly taking to heart the archbishop’s invitation to participate more deeply in the corporal and spiritual works of mercy this coming year.
(5) Finally figure out how to operate the Wii and Xbox 360 before we’re forced to upgrade to Wii U and Xbox One. I’ll probably always be an upgrade or two behind, to the chagrin of my sons.
(6) Lose 10 pounds (five “old” pounds and the five put on over Christmas). I hope the treadmill still works.
(7) Perform intentional acts of kindness. After all, performing “random” acts of kindness leaves too much to chance.
(8) Clean my office! Both of them! If you’ve seen either one, no further explanation is needed.
(9) Tax stuff. Sure, the IRS gives us extra time for some things, but I like to have my “ducks” lined up. And surely this includes end-of-the-year donations to Catholic apostolates and charities!
(10) Playoffs? Playoffs! Of course I have to make plans to watch the playoff run of the Kansas City Chiefs! If I had gotten another puppy for Christmas, I would have named him Tamba, or possibly Dontari or Colquitt. Maybe next year.
What’s on your Becket list?