Pope Francis greets young married couples in St. Peter’s Square, Sept. 30. The pope said everyone has a guardian angel who’s advising and guiding throughout life. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano)
by Catholic News Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Everyone has a guardian angel who is advising and protecting each individual on earth, Pope Francis said at morning Mass.
Whenever people hear a little voice in their head, “‘Well, do this. That would be better. You mustn’t do this …’ Listen! Don’t turn against him” because it is the guardian angel’s voice, he said Oct. 2 during the Mass in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae.
Marking the day’s memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, the pope’s homily focused on these angels, saying they were “like an ambassador of God.”
Even when God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, God didn’t abandon them and tell them, “Make do as best you can,” the pope said, according to Vatican Radio.
God gave everyone a guardian angel to accompany and protect people on their journey in life and prepare the way toward heaven, he said.
One’s guardian angel “is always with us. And this is a fact,” he said. Therefore, people should be mindful and respectful of the angel’s presence.
“For example, when we do something bad and we think we are alone. No. He’s there.”
So often “we think that we can hide so many things … bad things,” but everything always comes to light in the end, he said.
Listen to the angel’s counsel because he is always trying to defend us, especially from evil, just like a real friend — “a friend we do not see, but we can hear,” the pope said.
Listening to and respecting your guardian angel requires being meek and open to the Holy Spirit, he said.
“Let us remember how good the Lord is,” who never abandoned his children and left them all alone, he said.