At the heart of hospitality Contributors

Hospitality fosters an environment where Christ can be encountered

Greg Mies is the director of Savior Pastoral and Retreat Center. He can be reached by email at:

by Greg Mies

It’s been a little more than a year since I was first called to the role of director of Savior Pastoral and Retreat Center in Kansas City, Kansas, or, as it has also become affectionately known, “SPARC.” A lifelong member of our archdiocese, I am humbled and honored to serve our community in this special place.

Each year, SPARC welcomes over 60,000 guests who attend events like CYO basketball games, Marriage Encounter weekends, inaugural gatherings like the “SPARC the Night Gala” (a fundraiser for Savior) and the Mercy & Justice Summit, held just last month.

Throughout the course of my daily work within the walls of SPARC, I am reminded of the parable of the hidden treasure (Mt 13:44). In this powerful story, Jesus tells us: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

At the heart of this parable is the theme of stewardship — the recognition that all we have is a gift from God, and our calling is to care for these gifts with love and respect.

 Just as the man in the parable understands the value of the treasure and acts to secure it, so we must actively cultivate the gifts God has given us.

“Cultivating what we have” requires not only recognizing the value of God’s gifts but also ensuring that they bear fruit. It means sharing these gifts with others in a spirit of “hospitality” and “service.”

Hospitality involves creating spaces where people feel safe, valued and loved. It’s not just about physical comfort; it’s about fostering an environment where others can encounter Christ through our actions. This can happen in our homes, schools and churches. And I have the great blessing of witnessing this happen daily at SPARC.

Imagine a parish where every newcomer is warmly greeted and invited into community life. Picture a home where family, friends and strangers all find warmth, acceptance and a place to belong. This is the essence of hospitality — it transforms ordinary spaces into places of grace and connection. Ultimately, our hospitality reflects the kingdom of heaven that Jesus speaks of in the parable. When we welcome others, we invite them to experience a glimpse of God’s love.

This parable challenges us to embrace a vision of hospitality that goes beyond mere duty; it’s an invitation to discover the hidden treasures in every relationship. May we become conduits of God’s grace, welcoming all with open arms and open hearts, just as we have been welcomed into the kingdom of heaven.

About the author

Greg Mies

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