Archdiocese Local

Join the archbishop in prayer outside of Planned Parenthood

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann leads a rosary in front of Planned Parenthood in Kansas City, Kansas, in 2024. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Area Catholics and beyond are invited to the third annual Day of the Unborn Child sidewalk witness outside Planned Parenthood here at 6013 Leavenworth Road on March 29 from 9-10 a.m.

“The Day of the Unborn Child is a worldwide event to draw attention to the unborn child who the abortion industry fails [and] refuses to even acknowledge the existence of,” said Ron Kelsey, board president of the Kansas City Pregnancy Clinic.

The event is sponsored by Planned Parenthood Exposed. Cosponsors include the archdiocese, Kansans for Life and Kansas City Pregnancy Clinic.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann will lead the group in prayer. Prayers will include the joyful mysteries of the rosary, the Angelus and the Divine Mercy chaplet.

Pro-life signs will be available for those who attend.

The Day of the Unborn Child is typically held near the solemnity of the Annunciation, said Kelsey, which is nine months before Christ’s birth, “implicitly acknowledging that Christ began his human existence as an embryo, to which then points to the value of a human being.”

Kelsey hopes the event will “draw increased attention by the public to the intrinsic value of the unborn child, each of whom is a child of God made in his image — and that each abortion kills an unborn child.

“This event will provide an opportunity for individuals to stand in Christian witness to the horrors of abortion.”

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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