Local Youth & young adult

Kelly Youth Rally offers faith and entertainment

Hannah Whitesell (left) and Reese Wassenberg, of St. Gregory the Great Parish in Marysville, enjoy the comedy provided by Catholic Laughter at the Kelly Youth Rally. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JULIE ANDERSON

Now in its 27th year, the Kelly Youth Rally started in 1998 and is held on land belonging to Lee and Jade Winkler.

St. Bede Church in Kelly serves as the gathering spot prior to the rally. Participants pray a rosary before being transported by hayride to the rally site. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JULIE ANDERSON

This year, the rally drew nearly 500 kids from 16 different parishes from the Nemaha-Marshall county area.

Scott Vinci, a comedian with Catholic Laughter, signs a T-shirt for one of the 500 rally participants. Vinci, along with Tom Clark, also of Catholic Laughter, provided entertainment for about an hour prior to dinner. After dinner, former Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Chris Horn served as the keynote speaker. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JULIE ANDERSON

Former Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Chris Horn served as the evening’s keynote speaker, while Scott Vinci and Tom Clark, both of Catholic Laughter, provided comedy prior to dinner.

Kinzey Niehues (left) and Marissa Broxterman, both from St. Bede Parish in Kelly, lead the opening procession for the evening Mass which ended the rally on Aug. 17. LEAVEN PHOTO BY MARC ANDERSON

To view more photos from the rally, follow us on Facebook.

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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