Along the way Contributors

Live with a Catholic mission mindset in this new year

Emily Lopez is the lead consultant for adult evangelization.

by Emily Lopez

The beginning of a new year is both a time for perspective and planning; we reflect on the year behind us and consider the opportunities ahead of us. It’s a time for making resolutions as we review our physical, mental and spiritual health, as well as the current states of our vocation and career.

Each of us has an inner drive to become the best version of ourselves and recognize the value in assessing our present reality. But what is the measure of the best version of ourselves? What do we hold as the goal?

We likely have numerous goals in our lives; however, as Catholics, we believe that we were ultimately created to fulfill the will of God. In doing this, we strive to know, love and serve God on earth so as to be with him in heaven. The best version of yourself is sainthood and your goal is union with God in heaven; anything less is temporary and fleeting. We achieve both of these by having a Catholic mission mindset.

Living with a Catholic mission mindset means embracing your call to share Christ’s love and truth in everything you do. Begin by grounding yourself in prayer and the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and reconciliation, to receive strength and grace. Let your daily actions reflect Christ’s love — treat others with kindness, compassion and integrity.

Share your faith by living it authentically, through both words and actions. Build strong friendships, listen well and look for opportunities to speak about your faith in everyday conversations. Use the tools of today’s world, like text messaging and social media, to strengthen your relationships and spread the Gospel message. Prayerfully consider how the Holy Spirit is prompting you toward accompaniment —  who might you be called to grow in spiritual friendship with throughout the upcoming year?

Strengthen connections with your Catholic community for support and growth, drawing inspiration from the lives of saints who lived out their missions with zeal. Consider reaching out to a person that reflects docility and joy; ask them about their relationship with God. Trust that God will guide and provide for you as you live intentionally, discerning his will and responding with faith and action. Ultimately, live to love and serve others.

Beginning a new year is a great opportunity to review the priorities in our lives — not for what we will individually gain but for the goal of achieving union with God. In living with a clear Catholic mindset, we achieve the best version of ourselves on an eternal mission.

Living on Mission – Evangelization 101

About the author

Emily Lopez

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