Columnists Life will be victorious

Our first response to the threat of a satanic event must be prayer

Joseph F. Naumann is Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann

Editor’s note: As this issue of The Leaven was headed to press, in a highly unusual, but welcome move, the Legislative Coordinating Council, made up of legislative leaders from both parties and both chambers, unanimously passed a new rule about the use of the state Capitol. This new rule, while not specifically aimed at the Satanic Grotto group, effectively stops that group from doing what they had planned. We are grateful for our elected officials who have stepped forward to try and stop this mockery from happening. The final decision on preventing the satanic event now rests with the governor’s office.

During the January Kansas March for Life, at an outdoor rally, there was a man who attempted to provoke arguments with pro-life participants. He kept yelling: “Hail, Satan,” along with strings of vulgarities. It was upsetting and embarrassing, especially since there were many families with young children, as well as a large number of youth.

I was proud of the march participants, who chose to ignore the coarse histrionic efforts to disrupt a peaceful assembly, advocating for the sanctity of all human life, especially the most vulnerable — unborn children. One of the themes of the rally was to increase state support for the efforts of pregnancy resource centers striving to surround with love mothers experiencing challenges and difficulty during pregnancy.

One of our pro-life legislative leaders, addressing the crowd, observed that this man was making it clear Satan supported abortion. Importantly, the speaker immediately encouraged the crowd to pray for this poor, confused individual.

This same Satanist has reserved space at our Kansas state Capitol on March 28, for satanic worship. The governor initially granted the satanic cult space within the Capitol, but, with mounting concerns expressed by thousands of Kansans, has decided to move the satanic worship outside, but still on the grounds of the Capitol.

Governor Kelly stated that she did not find constructive an event aimed at denigrating religious belief and sacred objects. Nevertheless, she stated that it was her responsibility to protect the satanic cult’s rights of free expression and speech.

Initially, the satanic leader claimed that he has a consecrated host that he intended to desecrate. He referred to the event as a “Black Mass.” In reality, it is not a Mass of any sort. The Satanist also said that they planned to destroy both a Bible and a cross. Their entire goal is to blaspheme Christianity and, in particular, Catholicism.

In reality, the governor can preserve freedom of speech and expression without allowing hate speech and the desecration of the Bible, the cross and Catholic sacraments on the grounds of the Capitol. This group has already demonstrated their practice of engaging in hate speech and employing tactics aimed at causing conflict intended to provoke violence. Would the governor allow the destruction of the Koran on the grounds of the state Capitol? Would the governor permit a group to spew racist remarks?

The leader of this group craves attention that some media is more than willing to accommodate. He has stated that his tiny group will not respect the governor’s decision. They intend to storm the Capitol. What additional information does Gov. Kelly need to understand that this group desires chaos and violence?

The leader initially claimed to have a consecrated host. Now, he says that he just possesses unconsecrated Communion wafers. When you worship the Father of Lies, truth is not a high priority. We are pursuing legal efforts to take custody of what he claimed was a consecrated host.

The Catholic Church’s response to this mockery and blasphemy of what we hold sacred is to encourage Catholics and all Christians to pray. Pray for God’s mercy for those who blaspheme God. I encourage people to pray that God will touch this poor man’s heart to understand that Jesus gave his life on Calvary for him.

On March 25, the solemnity of the Annunciation, at Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park, during a previously scheduled Mass praying for Our Lord’s blessing upon pregnant couples and their unborn children, I will reconsecrate the archdiocese to Jesus Christ through the intercession of his mother Mary. All are invited to come and pray. I also urge all Catholics to consecrate or reconsecrate yourselves to Jesus through Mary.

On March 28, I invite Catholics and other Christians to come to Assumption Church in Topeka at 11 a.m. for a Holy Hour of prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by a noon Mass. This is an authentic Mass during which we praise and honor Jesus for giving his life on Calvary for us. 

During this time, we will pray for God to bless those who blaspheme him and who mock those who believe in Jesus Christ. After all, on Calvary, Jesus implored his heavenly Father to  forgive those who crucified him because they did know not what they were doing.

On Feb. 25, Pope Francis announced the canonization later this year of Blessed Bartolo Longo, who was born in 1841 to a devout Catholic family on the Adriatic coast of Italy. Sadly, Longo’s mother died when he was only 10.  

Longo grew up in the time when Garibaldi was attempting to unite Italy and, in so doing, to eliminate the Papal States. This resulted in a high level of anti-Catholicism. Longo attended law school at the University of Naples, where many of his professors were very anti-Catholic.

 In his confusion, he began to visit some of Naples’ infamous mediums who introduced him to the occult. This led him to Satanism. He was consecrated a satanic priest and promised his soul to the devil.

His embrace of Satanism resulted in severe bouts of depression and poor physical health. His family prayed for his reversion to the Catholic faith. Longo began to meet with a solidly Catholic professor at the university, who encouraged him to dialogue with a Dominican priest. His conversation with this priest motivated Longo on the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to make a sincere confession and return to the church.

Sadly, Longo had difficulty forgiving himself, and he began to doubt that God could forgive him for all that he had done. He once again was depressed and even contemplated suicide. Fortunately, he remembered the counsel of his Dominican mentor, who encouraged Longo to pray and promote the rosary. This he did faithfully for the rest of his life.

Longo was instrumental in building the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Pompeii. He also founded orphanages, elementary schools and even a technical school for the children of convicted criminals. He became a friend of Pope Leo XIII. Pope John Paul, when instituting the luminous mysteries of the rosary in 2002, credited Longo for this inspiration.

Catholics should not underestimate Satan, his craftiness and power. However, as long as we keep close to Jesus, we need not fear the devil. Throughout the Gospel, we see Our Lord’s authority over the demonic, liberating many who had given themselves to Satan.

If we seize the opportunity to draw closer to Jesus through prayer, then we can make this attempt to mock and blaspheme our Catholic faith into what Satan most fears and despises. Let us pray that the Lord of Life can penetrate and change the hearts of the Satanists of our time with his merciful love. St. Bartolo Longo, pray for us and especially for those who have become ensnared by the Evil One. All things are possible with God!

About the author

Archbishop Joseph Naumann

Joseph F. Naumann is the archbishop for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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