CEF centered Contributors

Students learn to see the world from a Catholic point of view

Vince Anch is the executive director of the Catholic Education Foundation.

by Vincent Anch

Our Catholic school students are embarking on an important chapter in their lives as they work to finish another school year and matriculate to a higher grade level.

This is a big step in our students’ academic, social and spiritual development. Nearly 2,000 of these students have been awarded CEF scholarships that have made attending a Catholic school possible for them.

Our students are also taking more steps in their faith development. They are learning about new aspects of the lives of Jesus, the apostles and saints. I admire them.

They will be learning some things for the very first time. I remember learning in school about Samson and his long hair and super strength. I also remember learning that his strength really didn’t come from his long hair but from God.

Our Catholic schools are teaching our youth to look deeper into what they are learning —  not just about the Bible, but all subject matters. They are building a foundation for critical thinking and a curiosity for learning that will last them a lifetime.

I remember a religious Sister teaching me and my class about reading Scripture. She had us read a story in the Bible about the paralyzed man sitting on his mat waiting for Jesus to come to town. He turned to the Lord to heal him, which he did. This, of course, was a miracle.

The Sister then asked the class to read the story again as if we were the man on the mat. I did this and it changed my viewpoint completely. I went from feeling sorry for the man to feeling joyful that my Lord loved me enough to come to me and heal me.

Our Catholic school students are getting the opportunities to see things in this world differently — and from a Catholic point of view.

These learning and development opportunities would not be possible without many generous donors and supporters of the Catholic Education Foundation and the scholarships it is providing. Due to this generosity, CEF is awarding over $5 million in financial aid scholarships this school year.

My hope is that our students will pass on what they learn so all of us see the world from a Christian point of view. CEF and our schools are changing the world one student, one scholarship and one community at a time.

About the author

Vincent Anch

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