by Bill Maloney
Archbishop’s Call to Share is off to a great start. We have raised over $5.2 million from more than 9,500 Catholics throughout northeast Kansas. We are 75% of the way to our goal of $7 million.
We look forward to celebrating this new milestone, which will help us support archdiocesan ministries.
This year, we are excited to support two new ministries. One of these ministries has been around for a long time, and the other is back after a few years’ hiatus. These ministries will help the church retain and attract people to the Catholic faith.
Our newest ministry, supported by Call to Share, is our archdiocesan communications office. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus instructed us: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (16:15). Jesus asks us to announce the good news. Our new communications office will enhance our ability to do just that. The Leaven does a great job of sharing this good news. With the addition of the communications office, we can share our stories through many more forms of media.
Archbishop’s Call to Share will now be supporting our tribunal office. The archdiocese is committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ concerning marriage. The archdiocese is also committed to manifesting the compassion of Jesus to those whose marriages have failed. The work of the tribunal staff is considered a healing ministry. Your gifts to Call to Share will now support the tribunal office, which has served the faithful of the archdiocese for many years.
These two ministries offer great support to our parishes, and this support is precisely what Archbishop’s Call to Share is all about. This annual effort is about every household of the archdiocese pulling together to support ministries that enhance our relationship with the Lord and bring others to know about him and love him.
Archbishop’s Call to Share is about all of us coming together to fund ministries that provide opportunities for everyone to deepen their faith. It is about funding Catholic education, Prairie Star Ranch and other activities that support our youth. It is about our Catholic campus centers. It is about offering facilities for retreats at Prairie Star, Savior Pastoral Center and Christ’s Peace House of Prayer. It is about supporting the most vulnerable in our community by funding our special-needs office, Catholic Charities and Catholic Community Health.
If you can say yes to supporting one or many of these valuable ministries, you can say yes to a gift to the Archbishop’s Call to Share. Please help us reach our goal of $7 million by making a gift today.