by Bill Maloney
What will be your legacy?
As a father and grandfather, I often reflect on the legacy I am leaving for my children and grandchildren. How do they perceive me? What kind of mark am I leaving on my loved ones and the world? As Catholics, we encounter daily opportunities to create a lasting impact on our families and communities.
The tagline for the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas is: “Your Giving Legacy — Invested in Faith.” The Catholic Foundation promotes legacy giving to our parishes, schools, and the archdiocese and its ministries. When we talk about legacy, we often think of financial contributions, and while this is an important aspect, it’s not the whole picture.
Jesus left behind a rich legacy in many ways. He established the Eucharist, which we are blessed to receive at Mass, and he entrusted us with the church, a guardian of faith for over two millennia. Ultimately, we are also part of Christ’s legacy, created in his image and likeness.
A Catholic legacy encompasses both spiritual and material elements. The spiritual legacy we pass on includes our values and Catholic faith, while the material aspect consists of the resources we leave behind.
To start reflecting on your legacy, consider your current situation. What matters most to you? What is the most significant gift you can leave to those you love? Are you a legacy for someone else? Do you recognize yourself as a recipient of another’s legacy? Do you see yourself as part of Christ’s legacy?
These questions can lead to a profound examination of conscience. Do my children and grandchildren understand what is most important to me? Am I living in a way that reflects those priorities? Is Our Lord and Savior truly central to my life, and does my life demonstrate that? I can attest that my father and grandfather lived in a way that clearly showed their Catholic faith was their top priority. Their commitment and love for Christ were evident in every aspect of their lives.
For generations, faithful Catholics have made significant contributions to our communities, sacrificing to build our churches and schools. Today, many parishes within our archdiocese are working to construct churches that will honor God for years to come. Others are ensuring their legacy by including their parishes and schools in their estate plans.
The Catholic Foundation encourages you to consider naming the endowment fund of your parish, school or an archdiocesan ministry as a beneficiary of your estate. A gift to an endowment not only benefits the institution in perpetuity but also allows your legacy to endure for generations to come.