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St. James and Giving the Basics team up for a decade of impact

St. James senior Jillian Reuter helps sort donations for its Giving the Basics drive. PHOTO BY TAYLOR WELDING

by Ashley Addison
Special to The Leaven

LENEXA — For nearly 10 years, St. James Academy here has partnered with Giving the Basics to make a real difference in the community. What started as a fun, community competition to collect hygiene items has now become a yearly tradition that provides hope and dignity to thousands.

Basics are essential, but not covered

Essential hygiene items like soap, deodorant and shampoo are not covered by government assistance programs, leaving many families struggling to afford them. Since 2011, Giving the Basics has provided nearly 30 million hygiene items to schools and shelters, police stations and senior centers, so that every individual can walk with their head held high.

Without products like soap and deodorant, students are less likely to raise their hand in class and face ridicule from their classmates. Without incontinence products, grandparents must turn down opportunities to see their grandkids participate in sporting activities and school plays. 

Items that most take for granted are a luxury for many in the community, including students. One student recently thanked the organization for its help.

“My family had a tough year,” the student said. “We lost our home, and sometimes we didn’t have the basics we needed. I was really embarrassed about not having deodorant or toothpaste, but because of your help, I got the things I needed. I didn’t feel ashamed at school anymore. Thanks for making this year a little better for me and my family.”

Lessons beyond the classroom

For St. James Academy, this hygiene drive isn’t just about donating products — it’s about putting faith into action. By pitching in, students learn what it means to look beyond themselves and care for others. It’s a powerful lesson that builds empathy, generosity and humility — all things they want their students to carry with them for life.

“The drive challenges our students to develop an outward-focused perspective, to think outside their own struggles and pay attention to the basic needs of others,” said Dr. Wendy León-Ryan, director of culture and engagement at St. James.

A student’s perspective

Take it from Jillian Reuter, one of the students who jumped right in to this year’s drive.

“I donated deodorant and laundry pods because that was the goal for the St. Padre Pio community,” she said. “It was so cool to see everyone excited about donating and making a difference.”

Reuter also had a personal takeaway. “It really hit me how important these basic items are,” she said. “I’ve always had them, so it was humbling to realize not everyone does. It made me super grateful for what I have.”

Barrels runneth over

When it was all said and done, St. James Academy collected 17,784 essential hygiene items, including soap, deodorant, detergent, wipes and more. The school also collected $1,367 in cash donations for a dress-down day, which Giving the Basics can triple with its bulk buying power to provide more products. 

But that’s not all: St. James students reached their product goal, which means they will be awarded with community points toward the “Thunder Cup.”

“We’re so thankful for the continued partnership of St. James, said Joanie Sheeley, program director at Giving the Basics.

 “Our team looks forward every year to seeing the excitement of the students when we come to pick up all they’ve collected,” she said. “These products will soon be distributed to people who need them, including other students. Our shelves and our hearts are full today.”

Looking ahead

Together, St. James Academy and Giving the Basics are proving that kindness and teamwork can make an incredible impact.

Here’s to another decade of serving the community and spreading hope, one hygiene product at a time!

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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