School of Faith executive director Mike Scherschligt speaks on the relevance of Mary and the quest for peace at the Fatima celebration Oct. 13. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROBERT LUCHI
by Moira Cullings
OVERLAND PARK — One hundred years after the Blessed Virgin Mary visited three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, Catholics continue to celebrate her appearances.
The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas honored the anniversary at Queen of the Holy Rosary in Overland Park Oct. 13.
“It was standing-room-only — there were so many people here,” said Cathy Mahr, one of the cantors at the celebration.
“We were thrilled to host it,” she said. “The church was beautiful, and we have a big banner of Fatima up in the church.”
The event began with a rosary for peace followed by a presentation by Mike Scherschligt on the relevance of Mary and our quest for peace.
“He spoke about Fatima, and it was nice for people to hear about that,” said Mahr.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann then celebrated Mass and, at the end, consecrated the archdiocese to the intercession of Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
Mahr noticed that people came from all over the archdiocese, not just the host parish.
“It was nice to have the big event here,” said Mahr. “I think it meant a lot to the parishioners.”
Several parishioners have a special connection to the miracle at Fatima, said Mahr, and the parish held its own rosary procession and celebration the morning of the larger event.
“I think it makes us more aware of things [going on in the church],” said Mahr. “I think sometimes we go through life and don’t really stop to think about those things.
“To see people from all over the archdiocese come here to do these things is neat,” she said.