by Vince Anch
Christ the King School in Kansas City, Kansas, recently announced that it will be closing after this school year.
It was heartbreaking news for many people, including the CEF staff and board members. The school had been struggling financially for a number of years and has faced declining enrollment in recent years.
Christ the King Parish has also struggled financially and could no longer sustain the school. CEF was not involved with the decision to close the school.
The school has 70 fewer students this year than just two years ago and was already aware of many students who would not be returning next year. Christ the King School is near and dear to CEF’s heart. It is a two-time recipient of CEF’s Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann School of Excellence award and one of the largest recipients of CEF scholarship funding each year.
This year, CEF is funding 155 of 180 Christ the King students (86%). All of these students qualify for the federal Free and Reduced Lunch program. Most are ethnic minorities and many are “English language learners.” After graduation, this closure will displace approximately 150 students.
Fortunately, the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has four other Catholic grade schools in Wyandotte County. CEF funds all of these schools and will ensure that every student from Christ the King can transfer their CEF scholarships to whichever school they choose. CEF will also provide additional funding to help students that do not have scholarships if needed.
A recent report from the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) states that an average of 100 Catholic schools close every year in this nation.
Schools in underserved communities tend to close more often than other schools, leaving a vacuum in communities for many families. This is why CEF works so hard to raise funds and provide scholarships for families in need. We know that CEF funding is helping to keep several schools open.
Our goal is to help schools move from “just surviving to thriving.” Some are on their way, thanks to a very generous Catholic community that supports CEF’s scholarship programs.
CEF is dedicated to raise enough funds so that no more archdiocesan schools close and every child that desires a Catholic education gets that opportunity, regardless of financial ability. For those interested in supporting scholarships for these students or other students, visit CEF’s website at: cefks.org.