The story is painful and familiar: allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by a trusted figure, charges of inaction and denial by higher-ups, victims, and lawsuits.
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Priests urged to recommit to ‘the radical venture’ of the priesthood
He may not have been there in person, but a certain French priest was very much present in spirit at St. Patrick Parish here on April 15.
Late-term abortion bill vetoed
Pro-life leaders expressed dismay over Gov. Mark Parkinson’s veto of a late-term abortion bill and urged Kansans to contact legislators and ask for a veto override.
Column: Archdiocese works to provide a safe environment for children
The recent reports of sexual abuse of minors by priests in Ireland and many other western European countries have been painful reminders of the clergy sexual abuse scandal that rocked the church in the United States in 2002.
Avery’s Closet
Given a choice between going fishing and picking out clothes for a girl, 14-year-old Avery Fliger would much rather go fishing.
Column: Resurrection is not matter of opinion, says pope
Last Wednesday at his general audience, Pope Benedict encouraged all Christians to be bold witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Column: Strong women make strong supporters of Catholic schools
This is the first of a two article series on “inspiring women.”
Column: Learning multiculturalism from a steward’s perspective
I've been thinking about multiculturalism lately.
Column: John’s mysterious detail puzzles scholars
Filmmakers are constantly searching for ways to make their creations more believable.
Column: Let’s ‘peace’ the world together
You’d think once Easter was over, things would calm down.