Two weeks before Easter every year, Jean Ann Thompson’s living room here looks like the staging ground for the Easter Bunny’s invasion of Earth.
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Column: Despair is not an option for the Christian
When you are named a bishop, you are asked to develop a coat of arms and to adopt a motto that serves as a theme for your ministry as bishop.
CRS trip made Ethiopians’ challenges real to seminarian
Americans have a lot of things that Ethiopians do not have — a really great infrastructure being just one of them.
Column: Are we paying for other people’s abortions?
According to a 2009 Gallup poll, a majority of Americans now identify themselves as pro-life — the first time this has been the case since Gallup began asking the question, and a dramatic change from 1995 when only 33 percent of...
Column: Midwest ‘encuentro’ to focus on balance
In 1972, the U.S. bishops called for the first ever national “encuentro” of the Hispanic community, and as a result of this gathering, the face of Hispanic ministry changed forever.
Column: How the economy affects vocations
I've gotten quite a few questions, including one on a flight to Milwaukee this week, regarding how the economy is affecting vocations.
Column: Gospel alludes to Old Testament prophecy
There can be only one king, and it is Jesus.
Column: Let God cross your path
As we start Holy Week, this holiest time of the church year, our attention quite naturally turns to the cross. Two images — one touching, one haunting — come to mind for me.
Human trafficking
More than 220 people attended a two-day Call for Community Action Conference aimed at abolishing the sexual exploitation of juveniles in Kansas and Missouri at the Police Training Center here on March 15 and 16.
Benedictine honors three with Cross of the Order of St. Benedict
Swing music from a live band, a high-spirited dance routine, remarkable vocals and an emotional appeal filled the night at the annual Benedictine College Scholarship Ball.