With God, they say, there are no coincidences.
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Send me an angel
“Each [woman’s] situation will be unique,” said Kelsey. “With the unique needs of each individual, the Gabriel angels will be flexible and walk with her through her pregnancy and find out whatever kinds of needs she may have.”
Nuns vs. Nintendo
“The best part is that the staff, residents, and students are able to have positive and ongoing interaction one-on-one,” she said. “This will be something that young and old can do together.”
Column: Catholic Charities provides vehicle for community to share church’s love
At a recent meeting, Jan Lewis, the president of Catholic Charities, read a moving letter from a man that Catholic Charities assisted some months ago. He had despaired so greatly that he was contemplating suicide. Fortunately...
Bella takes a bow
As part of the Cheapside Company Chorus, Bella will sing and dance her way through 11 performances of “Scrooge: The Musical.” Her parents are as impressed with her talent as they are inspired by her spirit and determination.
Column: Congressman’s courageous stance restores faith in the system
But taxed or no, the church will endure, as will the ability of ordinary Americans, despite whatever the cynics might say, to make a difference and to shape the destiny of this great nation.
Column: Five easy steps to more effective Hispanic ministry
All the trends clearly suggest that more than 50 percent of the U.S. population will soon be of Hispanic origin. In light of that possibility, the key question we need to be asking ourselves is: Will the majority still be...
Column: Add this one to the list of conversations to have with your kids
Trust me. Your talking to your kids about vocations, married or religious, is important. Your kids need to know where you stand.
Column: ‘End times’ cataclysm not the real story
Your fate could be decided in five minutes.
Column: Being grateful makes us great
That day ushers in the holiday season, which means that from now until the end of the year, time will rush by even faster.