What can the faith community do to help? Support life in a most tangible way by making a contribution to Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas designated to helping pregnant women bring the gift of life into this world.
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Column: Reflecting on the pro-life message
Our understanding that we, too, are human beings should spur us into action to protect every innocent human being from being legally killed because every human being, regardless of class, is a child of God.
Column: ‘What’s in a name’ depends on the language
I have never met anyone named “Bartimaeus.” On the other hand, we all are Bartimaeus. We all have been blind, but now can see, as the song “Amazing Grace” informs us. Christ has enlightened us all. In that sense, we all can claim...
Column: A question worth pondering
And it’s those same watchmen who will keep that question ever before me — For whom do you work, Father? — and will continually call me to realign my priorities and become more like Jesus, who came “to serve, not to be served.”
How Halloween can be redeemed
Halloween is like our Mardi Gras before a very serious Lent. We should be able to laugh at the dark side and dress up in costumes and have parties. Let’s reclaim our heritage with all the story power, creativity and joyous good...
Universal truths stressed at Red Mass
“The Red Mass was offered at the beginning of the annual session of court — when judges, attorneys and other public figures gathered to ask for the intervention of the Holy Spirit for the legal community,” said Joshua McCaig, an...
A time for renewal
The lesson of the sesquicentennial, said Campbell, is that Holy Family Catholics are determined and persistent. They are survivors, having outlasted drought, wars, depressions and personal struggles.
Column: Opportunities about for us to grow closer to the Lord
Many parishes regularly offer missions like the one that changed Patty Schneier’s life forever. Several of our parishes provide retreat opportunities such as Christ Renews His Parish or the Light of the World retreats. School of...
Compassion on call
“I have become convinced,” she concluded, “that only when men and women understand God’s plan for their sexuality will the crisis pregnancies and the horror of abortion end.”
Column: How about a little food for thought?
I’ll close with a little food for thought: This weekend, take a road trip to a parish offering a dinner or plan one to share with family or friends. Your body and soul will thank you.