When most Americans want to get away from it all, they go on vacation. But not Steven Kuchero.
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Local catechist and DRE honored at state conference
If years of service are any measure of how dedicated Jim Augustyn is to teaching religious education, this Prince of Peace parishioner is off the chart.
All together now
At St. James Parish here, people have a tradition of working together. the blessing and groundbreaking for the new church on Sept. 5 was an excellent example of this community spirit.
Pray that priests might become like the Good Shepherd
[Archbishop Naumann asks] every member of the Archdiocese to make some special prayer commitment this year to intercede for the sanctification of all priests and, in particular, your own parish priests.
The sky’s the limit
What’s cooler than hanging out with God? Hanging out with God — and some of your BFFs (best friends forever) — in an extreme tree house.
A life hanging by an ‘if’
One of the biggest words in the world is “if.” And if you don’t believe it, ask Leon Roberts.
Column: From our earliest days, there is often purpose to our suffering
Children are a gift from God. They are a blessing of life and love. It is ours to love and protect them, to teach them about the good and gracious God who created them.
Column: 9/11 solidarity: Then and now
Much about 9/11 needs be remembered . . . our solidarity, most of all.
Column: Jesus predicts passion, calls disciples to sacrifice
They are warnings — not meant to discourage us, but to fully inform us about the commitment we are making as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Column: Even stragglers are seeking the Lord ‘with a sincere heart’
"Remember those who take part in this offering, those here present and all your people, and all who seek you with a sincere heart.”