“We value life, completely deplore violence, and are shocked and very upset by what happened in Wichita today.”
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New deacon urged to anchor his life in Christ
The newest deacon in the archdiocese was urged to follow the examples of the church’s original deacons, and to take St. Paul as his patron and model.
Column: Pro-life movement is about saving lives, not taking them
On Monday of this week, I offered Mass for the repose of the soul of Dr. Tiller and for comfort and consolation for his family.
Christ in the forefront
Amid the din of their iPods and text messages, downloading and Facebooking, a few teens and young adults are carving out time for something very different in their lives: the solitude of eucharistic adoration.
Column: ‘As the church prays . . . ’ or why translations matter
Believe it or not, folks, it actually looks like a new English translation of the Mass is drawing close. It’s really going to happen after all!
Column: Words matter — child, not choice
Often before a problem can be solved, it must first be defined.
Column: Miracles meant for unbelievers, not disciples
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which comes first, faith or the facts?
Column: Cemeteries keep memories alive
If we get stopped by the cops, what will I say?
An instrument of God’s grace
Patrick Sullivan knew what he wanted when he grew up: a badge and a gun. He wanted to be a police officer.
‘This is what you should be doing’
Some guys grow up wanting to be a priest. Not Andrew Strobl.