It was an evening of laughter, song, appreciation, and a great truth: Behind every successful archbishop is a hard-working vicar general — and in some cases, two.
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Column: Jesus asks us to cleanse hearts as well as hands
The issue of whether certain foods should be considered unclean enjoyed a great deal of attention in early Christianity.
Column: A lesson on how to lessen stress
Uh-oh. This can’t be good.
An open heart
Julie Brock-Garcia is alive today because of an abortion that didn’t happen.
Lenexa women help ministry help families
Many families who have experienced the death of a baby struggle in silence. But the folks at Alexandra’s House in Kansas City, Mo., want to change all that.
New year, new school for Seneca
“There was a lot of excitement when [the students] walked through the doors,” said Nancy Steinlage, Sts. Peter and Paul School secretary. “The new school had something to do with it.”
At home on our range
Recently, a select group of 21 Italian teens and three chaperones from Adro, Italy, discovered another America seldom seen in international news — Topeka, Kansas.
Holy Spirit School opens the beach for summer reading
It’s not often that you find kids wanting to go to the school library during the summer. But at Holy Spirit School in Overland Park, it was a different story.
Column: Jesus both nourishes us now and brings us life eternally
While I like my food to be fresh, I draw the line at having it still alive.
Column: Smarter than a fifth-grader in your faith?
“Can you imagine the nun sitting at her desk grading these papers, all the while trying to keep a straight face and maintain her composure!”