Just a few weeks ago, a special rescue mission was put into effect to restore two ladybugs that somehow had taken up residence in our house.
Latest Posts
Column: The distressing disguise of Jesus
On Nov. 11, the church celebrates the feast of St. Martin of Tours.
Column: Jesus’ ‘temple’ warning echoes prophets of old
A temple might look like an appropriate spot to deliver a sermon.
Column: Another year bites the dust
Several months ago I met a couple of good friends and parishioners for dinner at The Legends in Kansas City, Kan.
‘The real deal’
Jean Farmer was sitting beside her husband’s hospital bed, holding his hand, soon after they learned that his death was imminent.
‘No mean people there at all’
As the first quarter of the new school year drew to a close, Catholic school students all over the archdiocese turned in their “service hours,” reporting the 10, or 12, or 15 hours they spent in service to their community.
Column: Archbishop challenges readers to pick another box
This week is the third in a trilogy of columns inspired by “Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light” — a book of formerly unpublished writings of this remarkable contemporary saint.
Little Mozarts
Their jobs are safe for now, but it might be wise for musician Billy Joel and Nobel Prize- winning physicist Albert Fert to start looking over their shoulders.
Column: Jesus sees through sophistry of Sadducees
Once, back when I was in high school, a woman old enough to be my mother walked up to me and asked me if I was the son of John Stubbs.
Column: Author scores points in football book
It's not unusual this time of year to see me wearing a bright red ball cap emblazoned in white with the word “Priest.” Imbedded in the tail of the “T” is a small number “31.”