ATCHISON — Join Benedictine College here, the Byron G. Thompson Center for Integrity in Finance and Economics (Thompson Center) and the Association of Consecrated Business Owners for the first-ever Consecration Mass for Businesses in the United States. The 8:15 a.m. Mass at St. Benedict Church, located at 1001 N. 2nd St. in Atchison, on March 16 will be a special Consecration Mass for business leaders who wish to position their companies as instruments of God’s service.
Learn more about consecrating a business and register for the program by visiting the website at: community.hwaw.com/events/76151.
“People might wonder what it means for a business to be consecrated,” said Dave Geenens, business owner, author, associate professor and director of Benedictine’s Thompson Center.
“Consecration is when something is set apart for God’s purpose, becoming an instrument of his grace in the world,” he said. “Therefore, when a business is consecrated, it becomes an extension of God’s love — an outpost of care and service to all the people it serves.”
Those who complete an eight-part preliminary sequence of short videos with prayer and reflection can participate in the Consecration Mass, after which they will be invited to join the Association of Consecrated Business Owners. Membership opens benefits like community, accountability, business best practices, additional faith formation and fellowship for Catholic business owners.
The Consecration Mass is scheduled to coincide with Benedictine College’s Symposium on Transforming Culture at the college. Symposium sessions occur throughout the day on March 16, with a special Symposium Business Track beginning at 9:45 a.m. that day, following the Consecration Mass.
To learn more and register, go online to: benedictine.edu/symposium.
For questions or other information, contact Dave Geenens by email at: dgeenens@benedictine.edu.