by Joe Bollig
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Not everyone can go to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, so a great way to prepare for the Year of Mission June 2024-June 2025 is to “get equipped” closer to home.
The archdiocesan office of evangelization will conduct an ArchKCK Day of Equipping — one for Spanish-speaking persons, and a second for English speakers. The material presented for the sessions will mirror each other.
The Spanish-speaking session will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. on March 7 at St. Pius X Parish, 5500 Woodson Rd., Mission.
The English-speaking session will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 19 at the Father Quigley Center, Holy Trinity Parish, 9201 Summit St., Lenexa.
“For many years, Archbishop Naumann has placed a high emphasis on evangelization because it is the church’s primary mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the world,” said Deacon Dana Nearmyer, archdiocesan director of evangelization.
“The Great Commission and the Great Commandment tell us to root ourselves in faith and then share this abundant life with everyone,” he continued. “Especially in this modern world, it’s daunting to have serious conversations with people when so much of our conversations are surface and we’re texting each other. They’re more sound bites than they are deep, probing conversations.”
The Year of Mission, which Catholics are being equipped for, is about sharing the good news of Jesus and his intimacy and presence with us.
“The archbishop has asked the office of evangelization to equip parishes to teach their members, their disciples, how to pass on the faith in beautiful, organic ways that aren’t intimidating,” said Deacon Nearmyer.
At the Day of Equipping, attendees will learn of practical resources for sharing the Gospel, celebrate the work that has been done, plan for the year ahead, learn to give their testimony of faith and receive tips on how to live their witness.
The cost to attend is $20, which covers materials and a boxed Chick-fil-A lunch.
To register online, go online to: www.archkck.org/revival.
For the Spanish session, clink the second, or blue, link that says, “ArchKCK Dia de Equipamiento – Marzo 07, 2024” and you will be taken to the event registration page to enter the required information.
For the English session, hit the button that reads “ArchKCK Day of Equipping – March 19, 2024” and you’ll be taken to the event registration page to enter the required information.