Father John Cordes, pastor of Our Lady of Unity Parish in Kansas City, Kansas, blessed “ofrendas” (“offerings”) presented by Our Lady of Unity students on Nov. 2 along the school’s hallways.

Creating ofrendas for “Dia de los Muertos” (“Day of the Dead”) is an annual tradition at Our Lady of Unity.

Each class decorates an altar with artifacts, candles, photographs and religious art to remind them of deceased loved ones.

“Ofrendas” are known for their bright colors, elaborate decor and sentimentality.

Popular in Mexican culture, the offerings are a key part of “Dia de los Muertos,” typically celebrated from Nov. 1-2.

The celebration is held to honor loved ones who have passed away and serves as a reminder to lift them up in prayer.

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To learn more about Our Lady of Unity School, visit: olucs.org.
Photos by Jay Soldner