The three kings make their way toward Jesus as they follow the Star of Bethlehem. From left, are: James Johnson, Steven Moobery and John Johnson. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER
Special-needs participants from all over the archdiocese took part in a living Nativity on Dec. 17 at Queen of the Holy Rosary Church in Overland Park.
Michael Hall and Anna Brabston portray Joseph and Mary as they are surrounded by angels and a shepherd. The angels, from left, are: Jenny Buddemyer, Andrea Hill, Clare Conrad, Patsy Morgan, Rosalee Morgan and Lee Giesler. The part of the shepherd is played by Aidan Neal. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER
The Nativity was part of a special iCare (Inclusive Catholic Activities and Religious Experiences) Mass. Father Bill Bruning, pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary, was the celebrant.
From left, Lee Giesler, Rosemary Dorr, Jenny Buddemyer and Monica Micek play the part of angels in iCare’s live Nativity on Dec. 17. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER
Participants — ranging from children to adults — participated in the readings and music to convey the Nativity story.