Archdiocese Local Ministries

Seneca couple honored to serve as Call to Share chairs

Don and Julie Stratham, members of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Seneca, are this year’s chairs for the Archbishop’s Call to Share. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER

Don and Julie Stratham celebrate their faith by living it every day. 

Married 41 years ago, they are third-generation members of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Seneca, where they raised their three children. 

Whether organizing the church picnic or serving as president of the Altar Society, Julie was always ready to raise her hand, and give her heart, as a volunteer. 

Over the years, Don served on the parish council, school council and building committee for the new school and the church renovation.

“The parish has given back to us far more than we have given to the parish,” said Don. “When we lost our son to cancer in 2007, the outpouring of prayers and support was a miracle in our lives.” 

“We grew in our faith, becoming even closer to Jesus,” added Julie. 

Always loved. Never alone

Don and Julie were first asked to make a sacrificial gift as members of the Crosier  Society 20 years ago. They have faithfully contributed ever since.

“When we were first married, we set a goal of giving 10 percent of our income to charity. It wasn’t always easy, but we always made the effort,” said Don. 

“Our parents and grandparents were great role models for us in faith, prayer and stewardship,” explained Julie. 

In their own quiet way, Don and Julie believe in making sure those around them are always loved, never alone.

Stewardship and service

The Strathams contribute to their parish, the archdiocese and their community with their prayers, actions and financial resources. From supporting faith formation through Catholic education to prayer groups devoted to Our Lady, they are a living example of service and sacrifice in their own family to their children and their 10 grandchildren. 

They are honored, they say, to serve as chairs for the 2019 Archbishop’s Call to Share.

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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