Children living in a squatters’ area wait Sept. 21 for a free meal consisting of rice, chicken and vegetables that is given out daily by a South Korean religious missionary organization near Manila, Philippines. Catholic Relief Services Oct. 16 debuted a new approach for its annual Rice Bowl campaign, which asks Catholics to give up a meal during Lent and donate the savings to fight world hunger. (CNS photo/Erik De Castro, Reuters).
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Every year, we remember in a special way our baptismal call to mission as we celebrate World Mission Sunday. On Oct. 18, on this World Mission Sunday, we will gather at the Eucharist — as will Catholics throughout the world — in a spirit of love for evangelization so that through our prayers and concrete acts of solidarity the gift of faith may be shared with all. This year’s celebration is further enriched as we mark the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity (“Ad Gentes”) which proclaims: “The pilgrim church on earth is missionary by its very nature,” reminding us that all of us are called to be on mission.
In his message for World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis writes, “Mission is part of the ‘grammar’ of faith, something essential for those who listen to the voice of the Spirit who whispers, ‘Come’ and ‘Go forth.’ Those who follow Christ cannot fail to be missionaries.”
On World Mission Sunday, as our archdiocesan family joins our brothers and sisters around the world responding to the voice of the Spirit, we connect with our world on mission: with Africa, where six million children receive an education in some 16,000 church-run elementary schools . . . with Asia, where those who are sick are provided with loving care at 5,000 Catholic hospitals and small clinics . . . with the Americas, where catechists travel to remote areas to bring the good news of God’s great love to families . . . with Oceania, where young men are supported in their studies for the priesthood, to bring the Lord’s healing hope and peace to those in need . . . with Europe, where new churches are being built to welcome faith communities renewed after years of persecution.
Your financial help on World Mission Sunday, offered in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, supports such efforts in 1,150 young mission dioceses in our world, reaching the poorest communities with a message of hope and healing, mercy and peace. Pope Francis emphasizes that “mission is a passion for Jesus and, at the same time, a passion for his people.” Let us have that same passion this World Mission Sunday, as we share the joy of the Gospel and help the poor by our fervent prayer and through generous hearts!
Sincerely yours in Jesus, the Lord of Life,
+ Joseph F. Naumann
Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas