by Therese Horvat
Special to The Leaven
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — People from across the archdiocese are invited to attend the second annual Cathedral Gala on March 8. Father Anthony Saiki, rector of the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle here, wants all Catholics of northeast Kansas to experience and claim this welcoming and beautiful sacred space as their church. Because while it is a parish, he explains, the cathedral is the “mother church,” the official church of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
The March 8 gala will offer several opportunities to foster this sense of belonging. The evening will honor Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, who recently marked his 20th anniversary as leader of the archdiocesan church. Guests will have the opportunity to attend Mass and to make an on-site Jubilee Year 2025 pilgrimage within the cathedral. Festivities will include social time, dinner and a simple program.

The evening will begin with Mass at 5:30 p.m. in the cathedral, located at 14th and Orville, with Archbishop Naumann as the homilist and principal celebrant. The cathedral choir will provide the music.
Before or immediately after Mass, guests can pass through the designated Jubilee Year Holy Door and enter the daily Mass chapel of the cathedral and the Shrine of St. Maria Soledad. Doing this and fulfilling other requirements (praying for the intentions of the Holy Father, going to the sacrament of reconciliation and receiving Communion within eight days of the visit) will qualify as a Jubilee Year pilgrimage with the benefit of a special plenary indulgence.
Following Mass, there will be social time at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:15 p.m. in the adjacent cathedral parish center. The program will follow with special recognition of Archbishop Naumann, who will also be the keynote speaker. It is expected that his remarks will reflect on his 20-year tenure as leader of the archdiocesan church and share his perspectives on the cathedral as the church of all Catholics in northeast Kansas. Attire for the event is formal.
The goal of this year’s Cathedral Gala is to raise $120,000, which will go toward renovation of the steps leading up to the main entrance of the church. An individual reservation is $125 per person. Various sponsorship levels are available to businesses, organizations, other parishes, friends and supporters.
To make a reservation or become a sponsor, or for more information, visit the website at: www.cathedralkck.org/cathedral-gala or call the parish office at (913) 371-0840.
“Maintaining this beautiful and historic church is incredibly challenging,” said Father Saiki. “As the neighborhood demographics have changed over the years, our parishioner base is not able to offer the support it once did. We are hoping to raise awareness of and support for the cathedral so that it can continue to serve the people of God in the archdiocese for generations to come.”