by Rick Cheek
My kids are always making fun of me about being old and sitting in a chair.
Seems like I fall asleep fast. Not that this happens to me all the time, just when I hold a grandbaby. We have eight now and all it takes is just that little one laying on my chest in a comfortable chair and I am out.
Harvey, the gentleman who relieves me at 11 p.m. on Thursdays for his Holy Hour (his daughter just had twins) felt the same sentiment. There is something in a newborn baby that brings comfort to the world.
October is known as Respect Life Month as well as the month of the rosary. There is so much we can do to end abortion.
First, start by praying the rosary daily for an end to this genocide. So much good and change have come from praying the rosary daily. It has and can soften the hardest of hearts.
I heard this quote a long time ago about change: “The only people who appreciate change are wet babies.” Therefore, if you can change someone’s heart through Our Blessed Mother, the pro-life movement would be more successful.
Second, get involved with your local parish life chains. By doing this, you are witnessing to those who do not understand that abortion is inherently evil and has taken more lives than we can imagine. Right now, there are around 650,000 per year. We can change that.
St. Francis of Assisi said, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” It starts with our witness to our faith and to this cause.
Third, if you have a son or daughter in high school who is wanting to be part of something amazing on a national level, contact our office for information on next year’s March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 19-23.
If you are over the age of 18 and are interested in the March for Life, Emily Lopez from the archdiocesan evangelization office and Deb Niesen from the pro-life office will be taking a group of young adults this January. Contact Emily by email at: elopez@archkck.org or Deb by email at: dniesen@archkck.org.
The theme for the March for Life this year is: “Together, We March for Life.” Bringing an end to abortion is not the work of a few people; it requires the universal church — all of us — to commit to changing the hearts of the whole world.
Abortion is the most significant human rights abuse of our time. Will you stand and fight to protect and promote life?