The My House Web site exists to provide resources and information for parents and spouses, to aid in keeping their families free from pornography.
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Villa St. Francis celebrates 65th anniversary
Ministry awards, board recognition, goodwill and a great performance by The Priest Band marked the recent 65th anniversary celebration of Villa St. Francis, the archdiocesan skilled nursing center here.
Stem-cell success
As the national debate over embryonic stem-cell research rages, patients around the country are quietly being treated and healed with the help of adult stem cells.
Over the years, the number of acts grew and the locations changed. More and more family members and friends became part of the show. The number of acts increased, and production values and performances reached professional levels.
Column: ‘End times’ cataclysm not the real story
Whenever we face difficult times, even when it seems as though the world is crashing down on us, we can look forward to Jesus Christ returning to save us. That is the real message of the Gospel. That is why it is good news.
Column: How should I go? Fast or slow?
How should we go? Fast or slow? I fear that the many things that scream for our attention, pushing us to go faster and faster, cause us to miss out on the deeper meaning of life and the true spirit of the holidays.
No business like soul business
Father Kent O’Connor’s latest hobby was waiting for him in the rectory of his last assignment, at Sacred Heart Parish in Sabetha.
Crossplayer gives Catholics greater access to news
Catholic News Service (CNS) recently developed and launched a multimedia product called Crossplayer. Now featured on www.the, Crossplayer is a multimedia tool providing video content of Catholaic news stories from...
Calling in the reserves
“The real help comes through the dialogue that flows between our caseworker and the client,” said Lewis. “The most important piece of what Catholic Charities does is to be a compassionate listener, a voice of wisdom to walk with...
House passes health care reform bill
“This is one of the most important votes on the abortion issue that Congress has voted on in the past 30 years,” he said. “This was an immensely important vote, and we prevailed.”