For hundreds of people who have been attending RCIA classes around the archdiocese, the Rite of Election marked the home stretch of their journey into the Catholic faith.
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Column: Let the light of Christ lead you through Lent
Our journey through Lent begins as a tour of various geographical features. The First Sunday of Lent took us to the desert, where Jesus was tempted by the devil.
Meditations in black & white
The passing of more than half a century has not diminished the power of the images Gordon Parks captured of the simple life of the monks at St. Benedict’s Abbey here.
A (t)winning celebration
hen Marlene Alvarado of El Buen Pastor Parish in El Salvador made a visit to sister parish Good Shepherd here last fall, she asked her host to pinch her because she thought she must be dreaming.
Turning hate into hope
Take hate out of the debate.
An address like no other
Most of those making presentations at this upcoming World Youth Day from July 15-20 in Sydney, Australia, will be bishops, archbishops and cardinals.
Column: Every Mass makes Calvary present to us
This week, I continue reflections on St. Matthew’s Passion narrative (Mt 26: 14 - 27:66).
The write stuff
The Leaven staff better look to its laurels.
Column: Four basic prayer groups make for a spiritually healthy Lent
It's Lent, and I'm resolving once again to lose some weight, for a number of reasons.
Column: Order your affairs so your loved ones won’t have to
Last month I attended four funerals.