Knowing a lot about St. Rose Philippine Duchesne is not a prerequisite for winning an award named in her honor.
Latest Posts
The national debate on embryonic stem-cell research may be coming to an end. Maybe.
Column: Make the season of Advent last all year
Recently, I read a book entitled “Advent of the Heart,” a collection of seasonal sermons and prison writings of Father Alfred Delp, SJ.
Is it any wonder?
The rest of the state is starting to discover what members of St. Mary Parish in St. Benedict have known for years: Their church is a wonder.
St. Benedict’s Abbey hits the stretch run on its capital campaign
The $2 million needed to complete the first major physical changes to St. Benedict’s Abbey here in 50 years will be raised by the end of 2008, a group of lay volunteers has declared.
Column: Luke’s Gospel is a study in contrasts
Shopping malls and city streets are now awash in Christmas decorations. The colors red and green predominate.
Column: A good Advent? I’m planning on it
Well, it's time for Preparation-H.
Ordination a family affair for Deacon Tunink
The St. Lawrence Campus Catholic Center here was filled with family for the ordination of Deacon Shawn Tunink, 31, on Nov. 17.
Column: Catholics called to give thanks every day of the year
One of my major pastoral priorities in the archdiocese is to cultivate the spirituality of stewardship.
Column: Language war at center of the battle of cultures
As we continue to battle the culture of death, it is important to be aware of the significance of the language war that is at the center of this battle.