"Polarization is real and it’s a big challenge."
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Women’s Conference offers message of hope
Lauren Marquess, left, and Mattie Karr, center, pray over a woman during a healing session at the women’s conference. The break-out session was led by Andrew Comiskey, director of Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministry, and Eric...
Mercy and Justice Summit makes for a eucharistic marriage that works
Time will tell if this revival will rekindle the romance that first drew our hearts to the Lord.
To be a disciple, we must make God our singular focus
How do we cultivate and preserve such an orientation?
‘Walk with One’ is a way to become missionary disciples
These days, I am often asked the question: “When will you retire?”
Lord, help us get rid of our devil-may-care attitude
Change is hard for me.
‘We are meant to be the bearers of the light to the world’
The teachers raved about his beautiful and powerful witness to the importance of the Eucharist in his life.
Vatican sees spiritual value of Medjugorje, doesn’t judge it supernatural
With some prudence, Catholics can benefit spiritually from the messages and spiritual practices associated with the alleged apparitions of Mary in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, said the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the...
Wall Street Journal poll ranks Benedictine College among top 10 most highly recommended colleges
A recent survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal, ranked Benedictine College, a small Catholic liberal arts college, as the sixth most highly recommended college by its students and recent alumni.
Be pilgrims, not tourists in life, pope tells young people
To fully experience love and hope, young people must approach the journey of life as pilgrims and not just sightseers seeking the perfect selfie, Pope Francis said.