Rick Cheek is the associate consultant for the office of evangelization and Catholic formation of youth.
Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you now are. Believe what you read, yeah what you believe, and practice what you teach.
by Rick Cheek
I always look forward to hearing those words at the ordination of transitional deacons every May. It’s one of my favorite parts of that special Mass when the archbishop says those words and hands them the Book of the Gospels.
As I was reflecting on the eighth anniversary of my oldest son Jared’s death this past Sept. 16, I continually pray for those who are in formation discerning and studying to become future priests of this great church we have. I still find myself picturing Jared as well as his fellow seminarian Matty Molnar who was also killed that September, reading and teaching the Gospel message handed on to them.
But when you really stop to think about it, those are words we ourselves should practice in everyday life. In our world today, there seems to be no clear definition of what’s right or wrong, and what was once a crime is now defended by law. We need to be at the front line every January, fighting for the right and dignity of all human life.
We need to be on retreats that will refresh and revitalize our faith when the world tries to knock us down. We need to gather as one big church and let people know that there is a God who loves them unconditionally and that reconciliation is there waiting for them.
If we don’t hand on the good news to those we work with and minister to, how else will they receive it? Young people are looking for clear direction; they are looking for truth, because they are not getting it anywhere else.
As we prepare to wrap up the Year of Faith, how are we living out the faith that has been handed on to us through the Gospels? Are you loving what you have been given? Are you giving back what has been handed on to you?
As we head into Advent, let us make some clear and attainable goals to continue to “love, learn and live our faith.”