OSAWATOMIE — The Marais des Cygnes Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will celebrate Constitution Week Sept. 17-23 by offering presentations in various schools in Miami County as well as the surrounding area.
Included in the presentation is a video explaining the articles of the Constitution. The goal of the Daughters of the American Revolution is to promote awareness of the Constitution. The Constitution also has 27 amendments.
The first 10 amendments, written by the Founding Fathers and called the Bill of Rights, proclaims civil rights and liberties. The U.S. Constitution was adopted on Sept. 17, 1787.
Constitution Week was established on Aug. 2, 1956, to encourage the study of the Constitution in communities and schools. A poster, handouts of flags and a pocket Constitution will be given to the students along with discussions with the students on the Bill of Rights.
The Daughters of the American Revolution encourage households to fly their flags during Sept. 17-23 in commemoration to the rights and freedoms in the Constitution.
Renee Slinkard, a member of St. Philip Neri Parish in Osawatomie, is the chair of the Marais des Cygnes Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.