Archdiocese Local

Men Under Construction brings in top-notch speakers

Last year’s Men Under Construction conference drew in 1100 men from around the archdiocese eager to grow together in their shared faith. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER

OVERLAND PARK — The annual Men Under Construction Conference will take place on March 8 at Church of the Ascension here.

This year’s speakers are Keith Nester, executive director of Down to Earth Ministry, and Jon Leonetti, best-selling author and radio host.

Unique to this year, the conference will offer breakout sessions on a variety of topics led by dynamic Catholic speakers.

It will also include opportunities for the sacrament of reconciliation, Mass and fellowship.

Early bird tickets are $40 until Feb. 7; $45 after. Tickets for full-time students are $20, and there is no charge for priests, deacons and seminarians.

To register and for more information, visit the website at:

About the author

The Leaven

The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

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